We communicate openly with workers and management in our supply chain to identify and understand workers’ questions, concerns, and priorities. We train our procurement teams, supplier managers, and other employees to be vigilant and report instances of practices that violate our standards.
To fully address social and environmental issues in our supply chain, we aim to communicate with workers and management to understand their questions, concerns, and priorities. We train our procurement teams, supplier managers, and other employees to be vigilant and report instances of practices that violate our standards.
In 2019, we launched a two-year worker wellbeing program in collaboration with Verité, an international nonprofit that promotes safe, fair, and legal working conditions in global supply chains. This program aimed to strengthen health and safety knowledge and equip workers with the tools and skills needed to grow professionally and personally. In 2021, we completed our final assessment, in which we found that this program improved workers’ knowledge about occupational health and safety, worker rights, and life skills. The worker wellbeing program reached 10,700 workers.
In 2021, we launched a new digital learning platform in collaboration with Quizrr, a platform dedicated to driving positive change through innovative training solutions to advance corporate responsibility and capability building in global supply chains. We delivered our Rights and Responsibilities training through this platform.
Moreover, working with U.S. truckers to fight human trafficking Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) sees individual truckers as vital eyes and ears in the fight against human trafficking. TAT helps to combat trafficking in the United States by educating and mobilizing members of the trucking and busing industries and coordinating with law enforcement agencies.
We support innovative and effective initiatives such as TAT to combat forced labor wherever it exists. Most of HP’s U.S. trucking vendors have signed up to the TAT initiative, and several are sponsors. We are one of the few shippers that participate directly and are committed to ensuring that all carriers moving HP products in the United States take the training.