Open communication is part of our culture. It is important that anyone with a concern can speak up without fear of retaliation, using their preferred method of communication. We offer multiple channels convenient for employees and other stakeholders, such as business partners and customers, to ask questions or report a concern to HP. We also provide stakeholders with information about HP’s programs related to specific human rights issues such as combating forced labor and human trafficking. If there is a concern or issue related to human rights, it is immediately escalated through our Ethics and Compliance office. Additionally, HP established a Human Rights Council in 2017 to coordinate due diligence efforts and mitigate risk at a strategic level.
Our reporting avenues include email, an internal online form, a global 24-hour toll-free hotline with translation or mail. Translators are available and callers can remain anonymous, except where anonymous reporting is prohibited by local law.
Phone: 800-461-9330 (U.S.). A list of in-country phone lines is available on the “Call Us” dropdown at this link.
HP Inc. Ethics and Compliance Office
1501 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1112 United States
Moreover, all of our supplier audits include revision of worker communication processes and workers are asked whether they have used or feel like they can use the grievance mechanism without fear of retaliation.
Section 8 of our Foreign Migrant Worker Standard, outlines that:
• Suppliers shall have effective, confidential grievance mechanisms, available in the foreign migrant worker’s native language, and shall ensure that workers can raise grievances without intimidation or fear of retaliation. Such mechanisms should also include the ability to report grievances anonymously if desired, unless restricted by law.
• Suppliers shall have procedures in place to respond to and address grievances in a prompt manner. The resolution of grievances shall be reported back to workers. Workers who disagree with how a grievance is resolved shall be given the opportunity to appeal the decision. No retaliation shall be taken against foreign migrant workers who report grievances in good faith.