In 2008, HP was the first major IT company to publish aggregated supply chain GHG emissions data. Through CDP Supply Chain, we engage with our suppliers and promote disclosure of climate and water risks, governance, and performance. Through our Sustainability Scorecard, we require suppliers to provide environmental data through CDP (including GHG emissions and goals, total and renewable energy use, and water withdrawal), to make CDP responses publicly available, and to publish Global Reporting Initiative-based sustainability reports. In these ways, we improve suppliers’ awareness of environmental impacts and their ability to track and improve performance.

Much of our production supplier base is in China, so we have a particular focus in that area. The Corporate Information Transparency Index, developed by the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) and NRDC, evaluates the environmental practices of global brands’ supply chains in China. In 2021, HP ranked #7 among global IT companies and #31 overall, of more than 600 brands assessed. On the Supply Chain Climate Action Transparency Index, developed by IPE and CDP, HP ranked #15 of about 680 brands. 

During 2021, we continued encouraging our suppliers to submit inventories of substances released through IPE’s public pollutant release and transfer register system, and cross-checked supplier sites representing 95% of our spend against IPE’s public database of environmental violations. 

We also collaborated with first-tier manufacturing suppliers in China to determine whether sub-tier suppliers complied with local environmental laws. This review of 730 sub-tier suppliers identified 27 reported violations in 2021. Of these, 18 had been corrected as of November 2021, and we continue working with the relevant first-tier suppliers and IPE to address and resolve the remaining issues. Business with several sub-tier suppliers has been suspended due to unaddressed environmental violations.