
Where can I find the HP Environment website?
The full corporate version of the HP Sustainable Impact site is available at Various local language versions are also ...
Does HP have a product stewardship program?
Yes. HP has an extensive product stewardship program. HP has taken aggressive steps to promote environmentally sound product design.  For more informati...
Sustainable Impact Executive Summary
HP Inc.’s vision is to create technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere. Please have a look at our Sustainable Impact Executive Summary 202...
Are you human?
I am a software bot. I am here to help you navigate our support resources. If you would like to create a ticket to engage directly with our team please let ...
Could you complete a questionaire for me about a product ?
We can assist with questions about HP's sustainability features and efforts for products and services. If you would like us to assist with that type of ...
Hi, we are here to assist you with your sustainability or product technical regulation questions. Please search our site or using our Chat Bot ask us questio...
Can I chat with a live agent?
Dear Customer, please note that we currently do not support this function and we only provide support via e-mail. In this regard, we kindly ask you to descr...