
Does HP offer Packaging take-back?
To address packaging at end of life, we offer take-back services, and regularly update the Recycle your HP packaging guide to help consumers avoid sending p...
Does HP offer Packaging take-back? (extended)
We are working to replace hard to recycle materials with more easily recycled substitutes. While all HP packaging materials are capable of being recycled, t...
Are your packaging materials separable and recyclable?
Our sustainable packaging strategy focuses on elimination, innovation, and circulation, to enhance customer experience while driving progress toward a circu...
Are HP obligated to submit an annual packaging waste report to the UK Environment Agency?
Yes, HP is obligated to recover and recycle waste packaging to meet national targets under the current Producer Responsibility Obligations (packaging waste)...
HP Molded Fiber Advanced Tooling Solution
At HP, we are committed to creating a better, more sustainable world. One way we are doing this is by investing in recycled, biodegradable, and reusable mat...