To achieve our EHS policy goals, we implement an environmental, health, and safety management system (EHS MS) as an integral part of doing business. It is tailored to HP's business and is implemented globally, regionally, and locally. To make sure that our EHS objectives continue to be met as we grow, we introduce our EHS management system to newly acquired companies as part of the integration process and require them to use our system.

HP's EHS MS is a structured approach to identifying EHS priorities, meeting HP and external requirements, controlling risk, and improving performance. Our global EHS organization has stewardship of the EHS MS and collaborates with the appropriate HP organizations to recommend performance improvement goals. The EHS MS requires sites to monitor performance, to conduct audits and management reviews, and to implement corrective and preventive actions.

HP's EHS MS is based on recognized international models including ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. HP was one of the first multinational businesses to obtain a single, global ISO 14001 certification for worldwide manufacturing operations.

To obtain a copy of the HP ISO14001 Certificate, see